All those saved by Jesus Christ are saved into his body, the church. Thus, any true Christian is necessarily a member of the church that exists across time, geographic space, and even into heaven. It is God’s purpose that the body of Christ should exist and live as faithful local congregations. We believe it is both biblical and wise for local churches to practice a formal process of church membership. We address our reasons for this belief in Felton Bible Church’s periodic membership class.
The members of Felton Bible Church represent the heart of this congregation. Under Christ, led by the elders, the membership together bears responsibility for FBC’s life, doctrine, and witness. Our members make important decisions pertinent to matters like pastoral leadership, budget, church discipline, etc. They are the chief ministers of this body and the elders’ first responsibility in terms of shepherding care.
Why become a member?
How to become a member:
Step 1.
Join with FBC in regular fellowship, especially on Sunday mornings. We want this to be your church home.
Step 2.
Express interest and participate in a membership class. If you inquire about membership, we’ll let you know when our next one is.
Step 3.
Sit down with two of the elders. We would love to hear your testimony and pray for you.
Step 4.
Lord willing, the elders will recommend your membership to the congregation for subsequent congregational affirmation.