Children’s Ministry
It is our holy ambition to see all the kids connected with Felton Bible Church following Jesus as their Savior and King.
We want our children to know the Gospel, believe the Gospel, and live the Gospel. Ministry to children is not a separate program of Felton Bible Church, but an inherent part of who we are. We view the entire life of this body as “children’s ministry.”
Our Children’s Ministry Efforts
While currently in great need of volunteers, we hope to offer nursery care as a regular place for Gospel ministry. Nursery Care is not a spot for “babysitting” but a place of loving, intentional, disciple-making care to children ranging in age from infancy to 5-years.
On the second Sunday of the month during the regular school year, FBC gathers for a potluck dinner, a large group devotional time, and focus time in various break-out groups. This is a great opportunity for parents to grow in their relationships with other parents throughout the week.
Every Sunday morning we have a Parent’s Room available for use, just off the main sanctuary space. We encourage the use of this space by parents who want to remain connected to the service, but who also need a more flexible environment to address the needs of their children. The Parent’s Room includes an audio and video feed from the main sanctuary. See a greeter for more info.
Our Children’s Ministry Values
Children thrive best as followers of Christ when the Word of God and the worship of Jesus Christ stand at the center of a home. Therefore, we desire that the families of FBC will regularly worship together – through the reading of Scripture, song, and prayer, etc. – in the context of their own homes. We seek to disciple one another to this end.
We believe congregational worship is an essential practice in our worship of the living God, and therefore in making disciples of Jesus Christ. We encourage families to keep their children in the worship service with them whenever it is wise and possible to do so. See a greeter for more info.
Prayer is core to every ministry of FBC, including our ministry to children. Publicly in our services, privately in our families, and routinely in our elder meetings, our teams of ministry, and other contexts in which we gather, we seek to remember our children before the Lord in prayer.
Common Questions…
Every child worker is background checked.
We always ensure there are at least two leaders for every group.
We are always open to talking about ways we can make you and your child feel more safe. Contact us by clicking here if you have any further questions.
The best way to find out more about Children’s Ministry is by meeting with one of our leaders. You can do so by indicating in the comments of our Connect Form.